Come learn more about the Development within in the Grand Boulevard Community! Scroll down for more info or join the committee.
Committee Meeting:
2nd Tuesday of each month @ 12noon
Contact Committee Chairs for more info:
Here is the website:
"RiseKit, A Solution for Jobs & Opportunities
We would like to share the opportunities our local partners are providing from jobs and non-profits resources.
If you are looking for a job, RiseKit can help. The team works with you to connect you to opportunities throughout your entire job pathway.
Click here to the RiseKit Grand Boulevard Neighborhood Network and get connected to jobs and opportunities for free. Create your profile, add your resume, and start applying today!
We are in the process of building OUR website and want YOUR feedback!
Please let us know what you'd like to see on this website and help us make it a great, centralized resource for our community.
Visit: The "CONTACT US" page