Come learn more about Infrastructure Development & Improvements within in the Grand Boulevard Community! Scroll down for more info or join the committee.
Committee Meeting:
1st Thursday of each month @ 7:00p
Contact Committee Chairs for more info:
The Shared Sidewalk Program opens 01/10/22 from 6a - 10p.
Each year, every ward in the City of Chicago is awarded $1.5 million in "menu" funds to apply towards infrastructure needs in the community. Menu funds are used for resurfacing streets, replacing damaged sidewalks, repairing or the installation of street lighting, park improvements, and a myriad of other infrastructure concerns that contribute to the overall quality of life in the ward. If you have any menu requests, please submit the requests to the infrastructure chair of your community advisory council.
We are in the process of building OUR website and want YOUR feedback!
Please let us know what you'd like to see on this website and help us make it a great, centralized resource for our community.
Visit: The "CONTACT US" page